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By Amy Schurr
Network World
February 17, 2004
(abridged version)

Most IT executives know their resumes should quantify their accomplishments and be free of typos and grammatical errors, but some may not realize the more subtle mistakes they can make, such as how they handle listing their contact info.

For example, putting your company e-mail address and work phone number on your resume may be a bad idea.

"I advise against this, because the question a potential hiring manager may ask is whether a candidate will search for a job on their company's time," says Kathy Sweeney, president of The Write Resume, an online resume preparation service.

When a potential employer contacts you, that person may be put off if you answer your phone but are unable to speak at the time. For this reason, including your cell phone number on a resume can also be problematic. Merging onto the highway or being in a social situation is not conducive to a phone interview.

Instead, you can control the timing of a discussion by listing your home telephone number. If an employer calls, he or she will leave a message and you can return the call when you're prepared and uninterrupted. And whatever you do, don't let your children answer the phone or leave cutesy answering machines greetings while you're job searching.

Also make sure the personalized e-mail address you list on you resume is a professional one with your first name and surname rather than hobby or other type of affiliation.

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